Today selling online is no longer a luxury but a necessity our customers expect of us. But who has the time and money to create that perfect website which shows off our unique personality and amazing stock to the full?
At LoveAntiques we understand Antique dealers and their specific needs. We know that you want a website that is both elegant and modern, yet foolishly simple to set up and maintain. We know that you want somewhere that tells your clients why they should spend money with you, as well as somewhere that you can upload and sell your items with total ease and confidence. Of course your customers want to know their payments are being handled by a reputable provider and on top of it all you want to ensure your costs are kept to an acceptable minimum.
While there are endless companies out there willing to create complicated bespoke websites at costs that will make your eyes water, for many of us all we really want at the end of the day is something crisp, simple and affordable. That is why we created our Website Builder just for antique dealers like you!
Our site offers a range of templates specifically chosen to suit antique and vintage items and it only takes a matter of minutes for you to set everything up just the way you like. You can choose from a range of packages to suit your need and if you decide to accept payments directly from the website, these are all handled by Stripe, a global market leader in payment processing and far more competitive than Paypal.
Of course at the end of the day you are wondering how professional your new site would really look?........well we've created this website from the very Builder we offer so the answer should be obvious!!
Get in touch today and let us help you start down the road to online success for your antique business.